But first, C2E2 was… pretty good?

At the show…

I was lucky to get a table at C2E2 this year, no question there. It was great meeting people and I had a good time. Sales were… not as much as I expected but that’s ok. The show was well attended but people weren’t making much in purchases. Being that close to Christmas was a big factor, but I’m guessing.

Still though, I had a chance to meet Ivan Tao. He’s from Malaysia so this was a great opportunity. Hope I get another chance to hang out w/ him.

Thanks again, Ivan! Loved your “Fire Hands” cover for S & S Issue #3!

It’s been a busy few months but now I’m trying to kick things down a few notches and actually enjoy the holidays this year.  I’ve been doing quite a lot of extra stuff for my full-time job and I’m ready to cool down a bit.  I don’t have a lot of family commitments so Christmas and New Years are a pretty simple affair for me.  I’m really looking forward to kicking back and finishing up that 2nd draft for Ruxy Vampire.  Recently, I’ve been diving into the 6 issue run of The History of the Marvel Universe.

It’s been a lot of fun.  I picked up the series at Dark Art & Oddities Con a few weeks ago.  One of the editors/historians that worked on the book, Daron Jensen, was at the show signing and selling copies of the series.  He also said to have a pitch prepped at C2E2 if I should run into a Marvel editor.  That’s…. a little terrifying, honestly.  Needless to say, I’m a fan of warrior-sorceress types so… put me down for a 5 issue SPIRAL run!

I can dream, can’t I?  

For me she was always one of the coolest villains who, of course, eventually joins the good guys because… she’s cool.

Coming up on 2022!

I have high hopes for 2022!  So much I want to get done! Shall we set some goals?

There you have it.  That’s a lot.  Attainable?  I hope so.  We’ll take another look at this time next year and see where we are.  

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Hope you’re having a great day and and life, family, pets, etc. all treat you right this month and over the holidays. I hope 2022 brings you joy with a healthy dose of MAGIC, MURK, and MAYHEM!